What do I do if I have an accident? In some circumstances a fee may be payable and if that is the case, I will let you know. This information should be displayed in a prominent place where all staff can see it. We work to defend the right to FOI for everyone Help us protect your right to hold public authorities to account. What are the main health and safety laws? The request was partially successful. hasawa poster

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For more information on insurance please visit our poter Insurance ' webpage. Health and safety law on offshore installations A2 size health and safety law poster for offshore installations Health and safety law on offshore installations - Pocket card.

Information you must display

Your donations keep this site and others like it running Donate now. I would also like to request a copy of the internal document s that explains or justifies the decision to keep electronic copies of these documents from being made available as a free download from the HSE website. Try opening the logs in a new window. Fire evacuation arrangements Put up hasawq telling people about the fire precautions in the workplace and what to do if there is a fire.

A site to help anyone submit a Freedom of Information request. Haawa you must display Topics: Health and safety law posters A2 size health and safety law poster A3 size health and safety law poster.

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See below the full range of health and safety law products and choose which best suits your business. As an employer you must display one or more valid copies nasawa your ELCI certificate at each of your business premises where your employees can easily see and read it.

Health and safety law poster, free leaflet and pocket card

A career coach that works for everyone. Help us protect your right to hold public authorities to account. First aid arrangements You have to hasawwa your employees about your first aid arrangements. If your email is about a concern, please visit http: The Act contains powers for the HSE to enforce these employer duties and penalties for non-compliance.

HSE publishes a comprehensive range of information and guidance on our website.

Information you must display | Health and Safety Executive Northern Ireland

We're seeking to fill a number of volunteer roles. This strikes me as an unusual decision, given that they must be displayed in every employer's office.

What are safety regulations? Am I protected by health and safety laws? Sign in or sign up. You should give people information about which escape route to use, the names of staff nominated to help if there is an evacuation and the fire warning system used in the area where they are working.

What are the main health and safety laws? Do new and expectant mothers have special protection?

Copyright status of HSE Posters

Put up fire hasaa in places where they can be easily seen and read. However, these duties are qualified with the words 'so far as is reasonably practicable'.

Longest period of time a tenant has had no gas safety certificate, which was deemed ok by HSE Health and Safety Executive. If your email is a request for advice, please visit http: Privacy Policy Your Data.

Run by Volunteers and powered by Alaveteli. You can find out what the health and safety law requires by searching under the relevant topic or industry section, and all of our publications are free to download. Act on what you've learnt Tweet this request. Do I have health and safety rights?

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Therefore, I would like to request a copy of the internal document s that explains or justifies the decision to keep the A2 and A3 HSE posters from being released under the Open Government Licence. To purchase a Northern Ireland poster or a pack of 25 pocket cards, please contact HSE Books by telephone or order online:.


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